Transvulcania, Quad Rock, and Ice Age!


It was a huge weekend for our athletes! We had athletes running all over the world and there were just too many results to keep everyone up to date via social media... below is a brief run down of what went on... we'll start with the race that the ultra running world had their eyes focused on over the weekend.


Sage Canaday       3rd
Timmy Olson        8th
Josh Arthur           35th 

Sage Canaday threw down another stellar performance. He lead for most of the day and gave this race everything he had. He ultimately finished 3rd in a super-competitive field, which is something to be insanely proud of! Timothy Olson had a rough day but did what he does best and had a late surge earning him a very hard fought and well deserved top ten finish coming across the line with the 8th fastest time of the day. Josh started out incredibly well, running in the top 10 for the first third of the race. He then had his climbing legs give out for the middle third (something he's had happen a few times in recent months) only to come back to life for the last third enabling him to crawl his way back up the ranks with a very respectable finish in a highly competitive field. VFuel was well represented and we are, yet again, inspired by these incredible athletes that represent our product in one of the greatest sports on the planet! These three athletes embody what endurance sports are all about!

 Sage showing off his sponsors after his 3rd place finish at Transvulcania.
Sage showing off his sponsors after his 3rd place Transvulcania finish!

Ice Age 50

Larisa Dannis       3rd

After a stellar performance a few weeks ago in Boston, Larisa was after a coveted spot at Western States and threw down another great effort to nab it! This woman continues to inspire us here at VFuel. Another athlete that embodies this beloved sport. Hard work, passion, and grit have brought this girl so incredibly far and it is truly inspiring to witness. We can NOT wait to see how the miles unfold on the Western States trail when Larisa is in the hunt! 






Quad Rock 50

Kari Fraser        14th (1st Masters)
Kristel Liddle     18th 

Kari Fraser at mile 25 at the 2014 Quad Rock 50Quad Rock is a newer race put on by some friends of ours, Nick Clark and Pete Stevenson, in nearby Lory and Horsetooth State Parks. This a one heck of a steep course and chews up and spits out those without the mental resolve to go back out for their second lap of this 25 mile x2 lap race. Their motto is 'run up, run down, repeat.' And that's literally all you will be doing during this race! Kari kind of surprised us as she was going on and on about how poorly she was going to do! She even emailed us and asked us if she should wear her VFuel gear as she thought she would embarrass us by running too slow! Ha! Yeah right! On a slow training run for her (she is dialing in her low interval heart rate training and used Quad Rock as a trial run for some 100's she has planned later in the year) she win the Masters division, comes in as the 14th woman and has a pretty dang good day on the trails! And, VFuel athlete Kristel Liddle basically came off the couch (due to school and mommy duties) and had a great day on the trails! No, it wasn't what she is used to, but an impressive effort nonetheless. She is hoping to ramp up her mileage over the summer months but we know it wont take this talented runner long to get back to top form! 


Our athletes are second to none. We are proud to have each and every one on our team and have the best and most talented group of endurance athletes out of any endurance nutrition company out there. The thing that makes us the most proud about this is the fact that the only real requirement is that our athletes have to love and use VFuel prior to being a VFuel sponsored athlete. The best of the best use VFuel on their own... not because they get free and/or discounted product. We think this speaks for itself, but it doesn't hurt that our athletes keep killing it... day after day, week after week...

Happy Trails! 

Josh Arthur enjoying some VFuel on Isla de la Palma before the race.Josh enjoying some VFuel on a taper run before Transvulcania.


Bonus image! VFuel Athlete Eric Lee's VFuel atop Green Mountain on a Mother's Day training run!

Tags: endurance, energy gel, gnar runners, quad rock 50, race, trail running, transvulcania, ultra running

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