Larisa Dannis

Larisa Dannis

My journey into the running world was somewhat unconventional. Although I dabbled in team sports in high school, I was never very active as a kid. Upon starting my first office job back in 2007, I became especially sedentary. As my weight started to creep up, I knew I had to do something to improve my fitness. Many of my warmest childhood memories center around the White Mountain Region, where every summer my Dad would take me on a birthday hike up some of New Hampshire’s tallest peaks. The decision to take up hiking as an adult seemed almost instinctive. It was as if the mountains I loved so deeply as a child were calling me back. 

What began as a goal to simply get in shape led to my discovery of the White Mountain 4,000-footers. Suddenly, I found myself filled with an urge to stand atop all 48 of New Hampshire’s tallest peaks. First, in any season. Then, in a single winter season. And ultimately in consecutive calendar seasons. As my peakbagging obsession grew, I started to put together longer and more challenging routes in the mountains. The transition from hiking to running was very natural for me. I soon learned that I could travel even faster by jogging the downhills, then the flats, and, in time, some of the uphills. Upon discovering ultrarunning in 2009, I suddenly found my calling. Trail ultramarathons are still my passion and primary focus, but I did unexpectedly discover a love for road marathoning this past year. My long-term goal is to qualify for the 2016 Olympic marathon trials.

Hometown: Born in NYC, raised in London, and currently living in Mill Valley, CA.



Favorite Beer (or wine): Good craft ciders

Guilty Pleasure:
Food Network (can't get enough Chopped) and raw chocolate

Other Hobbies:
Snowshoeing, photography, graphic design, traveling, backpacking, sleeping, and gluten free cooking

Pet's name: Toby aka. “Paws of Steel” – the best trail companion a gal could ask for!

Favortie thing about VFuel:
Incredible, consistent, delicious energy that keeps my stomach happy and my legs running strong 

Favorite recovery meal:
Avocado stuffed burger followed by homemade bacon maple ice cream

Favorite trail running memory:
Running the last 6.5 miles of the 2014 Western States Endurance Run with my sister by my side.


Running Accomplishments

2016 Rodeo Beach Rumble 30K, 1st place
2015 North Face Endurance Challenge 50, 3rd place
2015 Ultra Race of Champions, 2nd place
2015 Headlands 100-Marathon, 1st place
2015 Waldo 100K, 1st place
2015 Golden Gate Trail Run 50K, 1st place
2014 Door County 50, 1st place
2014 Berkeley Trail Adventure 50K, 1st place
2014 Overlook Endurance Run 50K, 2nd place
2014 Western States 100, 2nd place
2014 Ice Age 50, 3rd place
2014 Land Between the Lakes 50, 1st place
2014 Rocky Raccoon 100, 4th place
2013 Lookout Mountain 50, 1st place
2013 Stone Cat Trail Races 50, 1st place
2013 Vermont 100, 1st place
2013 Zion 100, 2nd place
2013 Best of Burden 50, 1st place
2012 TARC Fall Classic 50K, 1st place
2012 Vermont 100, 6th place
2011 Vermont 100, 12th place
2010 Vermont 100K, 2nd place