VFuel Athletes Needed


Do you love VFuel?


Attention VFuel fans! VFuel is presently seeking athletes — from trail runners to cyclists to triathletes from all over the United States. Acceptance into our VFuel Athlete Program gains you admittance onto our incredibly talented VFuel Athlete team, a VFuel product kit, VFuel Tech shirt, free race entries at VFuel sponsored races and huge product discounts. We encourage our brand athletes to get involved with local and regional events, and meet our regional VFuel reps. We ask that our athletes share their enthusiasm for VFuel on your social media, at races you attend, with your friends, local running stores and weekly runs, etc. We want dedicated athletes that are involved in their sport community. Whether you are a recreational athlete or consider yourself an elite, if this sounds like something you're interested it, we would love for you to apply! Fill out our contact form and we will get back to you.


Happy Trails,

The VFuel Team

Tags: ambassador, athletes, energygel, running, trailrunning, ultrarunning, vfuel

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